What are Occupational Pediatric Therapy Evaluations ?
Evaluations and Assessments are a comprehensive one on one process related to referral concerns.
Areas of assessment may be at foundational skills in the areas of:
• Fine Motor Skills: The ability to move the small muscles in the hands.
• Gross Motor Skills: Gross Motor Skills involve the large muscles for running, jumping, lifting, sitting up, throwing, etc.
• Visual Perceptual Skills: Visual perceptual skills can be broken into three parts - (a) visual spatial - ability to recall spatial location of object or stimuli. (b) visual analysis - processes for locating, recognizing, extracting analyzing, recalling, and manipulating relevant information in their surroundings.
• Visual Motor Skills: To recognize the use of forms, shapes, figures, and objects.
• Sensory Processing Skills: Neurological disorder with processing the five senses, vision, auditory, touch, sense of smell, as well as sense of movement and positional sense.
What types of tests given by pediatric occupational therapists?
Standardized tests that could be used at your child's clinic may include:
• The PDMS-2: The Peabody Developmental Motor Skill Test is an in depth assessment of gross and fine motor skills.
• Bruininks - Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency: Goal directed activities to measure a wide array of motor skills in children 4-21. Delivers the most precise and comprehensive measure of motor skills.
• SCIPT: Education based testing to meet the educational needs of the student.
• SPM, Sensory Profile Questionnaire: A set of questions to provide a more accurate assessment of the child in different environments.
• Interactive Metronome Long Form: Pre-testing always includes the Interactive Metronome Long Form. It measures how close to a metronome beat a learner can consistently respond.